Friday, October 20, 2023

Capturing Inevitable Change as It Displays Itself Naturally Outside Donnarumma...13 Years and Growing. Joy.

Yesterday, by 2 pm, I was free to be me, as I was replacing others across campus up until that point, fulfilling my professional obligation to my department, school, and colleagues. When I settled into being me, I couldn't help but think of this treat, partially channeling Chitunga who said he missed the colors of northeast autumns, but also celebrating his accomplishments, changes, and personal growth. I can't help but think of Grannie Annie's The Leaving, too. Leaves are symbolic for the rest of us.

Today, I head to day one of StoryFest, returning support for an authorial bonanza with Westport Library. The rain is coming, but so is the celebration of writing. 

Nothing sits still. It never has. There's just nature and the way she runs her cycles - ones we can study, learn from, and offer us spiritual guidance. I will channel this on a day of interviews, writing, networking, grant submissions, and dreams for a better world tomorrow.

My roots run deep and my branches walk towards the rising sun with inspiration from Ger Duany and so many others. Soon, the leaves will fall, but they'll bring rebirth (and allergies) in the Spring. We can count on this, and hope that the Great Whatever will protect us all from the harms we cause ourselves.

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