Monday, October 23, 2023

Beth Boquet's Chocolate Bomb For the Rescue - Giving Me My Sunday Night Sweet-Tooth Fix & Saving Me a Trip to the Store

A few weeks ago, Beth left me a bag on my porch to congratulate me for getting my materials for promotion in by September 1. It was a Franken-Ball of Cocoa and Marshmallows that I kept in the kitchen knowing it was too warm for hot chocolate But then the air turned yesterday and after a day of outdoor work, and helping a friend move, I realized my sweet-tooth was triggered and I wanted something to soothe the soul. I almost ran to the store when I saw the monster.

Just heat milk. Add the beast, and enjoy --- which I did with an absolute smile on my face. 

I also went through my jars of quarters, dimes, and nickels, knowing that paying off a big project on the house, has me scraping for pennies until the next paycheck. I'll take care of them tomorrow. They were rolled, counted, and bagged. I hope it's enough until the next payment arrives (although it is a mortgage date, so there won't be much left over. 

This is my issue. I can't stand seeing the interest accrue on a small loan, especially when I see it adding up quite quickly. I took a loan for a particular amount and don't need to double that amount by only paying the limited payment each month. I've been chiseling it down for 7 months and it's over. Thankfully. 

Meanwhile, I feel like I don't have my usual reservers and that makes me nervous, so I'm scraping to survive until I'm back on my feet again. Dang teeth, both mine and Chitunga's. Dang house and the rotting would that I replaced. It's all good, because in the end it will be better. 

Like my stomach was last night with the delicious cup of cold-weather happiness I sipped to sooth my soul. 

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