Thursday, August 3, 2023

Truth: So Much Awesome Happened Yesterday That I Know There's No Way to Capture It, So I Will Focus on the Metaphor from the Day and Move on from There

We had three teacher presentations, each building off one another as if it was coordinated and planned. The last session was on project-based learning and the importance of community where the session was scripted and we each played a role on two community paintings: one with rules and one with freedom. The physical, active metaphor is something I don't believe I'll ever forget. We were National Writing Project active for 60 minutes, so when they came in with the research, framework, and reasons we were naturally sold. Who wouldn't be a project based teacher for multicultural joy and happiness at this time in human history? It's simply beautiful.

And as for my teen ambassadors: Jalen, Isaiah, and Mateo, you absolutely rocked the Scholastic/National Writing Project Write Across America event. I am posting the Padlet here, and I'm sad you'll miss the video presentations, but you can still see what they accomplished. Sadly, I won't have the incredible student writing to share. But the evening was remarkable: learning about Connecticut, reading about Connecticut, and prompting others to write about their own worlds (which is shared below).

Today, UGH, it's the last day with teacher. Seriously, this is the strongest cohort of workshop-ready presentations I've ever experienced as a site director. The work these teachers are doing is so necessary for educators across the United States. You want to reach the power of young with these teachers. As always with The National Writing Project, they are simply the best of the best. It will be a hard crew to send on to the universe as I want each and every one as a colleague for the rest of my life (which, if I write the grants, I'll be sure to make happen). 

Happy Thursday, Y'ALL. our Young Adult Literacy Labs end tomorrow. It's been nothing but fantastic since we began...may it continue forever and always.

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