Sunday, August 13, 2023

Becoming a BRAT, at Least for a Few Days: Bananas, Rice, Apple Sauce, & Toast. Cleaning Out the Intestines of Middle Age

I have blamed the spicy Bang Bang shrimp at a Monroe Indian restaurant for my stomach issues, acid reflux, and intestinal problems. Of course, that is my excuse, because most of the nonsense simply comes with middle age. There's a reason chicken wings slap the heck out the man's face on commercials. As everything is different mid-life, so our the digestive issues. No longer do I have a stomach of steal. It's more like a stomach of flames. 

So, after a few days with severe cramping and evenings with toilet insanity, I asked Dr. Planas, my nurse friend, what I should do and she recommended the BRAT. It doesn't have to last forever, but go a few days with bananas, rice, apple sauce, and toast and everything should calm down. Um, okay. But online reading says the BRAT isn't healthy and recommended eggs, so I chose eggs to go with my rice and it was filling. The probiotic tea of ginger and honey is also good. 

Aging is a blast. 

I wish I could say Saturday was a joy, but I didn't trust my stomach, especially having to flee Friday's Salsa party and Thursday's jambalaya. All tasted great, but within minutes I was in pain...this after a successful physical on Tuesday. Thrilled to have to monitor even more in my fifties. 

I can attest, however, that two hours after dinner, things solidified quite a bit. That made me happy. I love a good meal and I'm a fan of many flavors, but I need to go into neutral land for a while, which is non-joyous, annoying, and disturbing. But I do what it takes (or at least I hope it'll work). I don't want to be a TUMS-popping maniac as I head to my retirement years, which are an exhausting 15 years away.


But we'll see how this goes. Right now, it's just boring and dull. But maybe time will tell. 

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