Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Always Love Receiving Gifts in the Mail, Especially From Ol' Students Who Are Making it BIG in the World. Thanks, Anisa Libuya!

Several years ago, I began mentoring a young man from the Dolan School of Business who was from Zambia. He worked with both Sonya Huber and myself as he began to write a memoir about his life, but also laid out plans for his vision for the future, especially in Zambia. He arrived this summer with his wife (an elementary school teacher) for a vacation and stopped by twice - once to see the literacy labs and second to bring by gifts from his country (which was yesterday, as he flew home last night). 

It's always touching to receive items from another, especially when they represent another nation. My colleague, John Kiweewa from Uganda, immediately began playing with the rattles and making dance in the hallway of Canisius. It's so wonderful, even if extremely rare, to have joy in our corridor...unless we're there to bring it, the hallway remains empty.

Also went for a physical (mid life shit) and was pleased to learn my cholesterol and blood pressure came way down. My EKG also went swimmingly, and I simply need to lose the post-Covid girth. I keep vowing to do it, but then family visits and out-to-dinner meals means French fries and they are so, so good. I need to choose better, but don't because....well...French fries. 

I'm choosing to write from home today, because when I go into the office I am inundated with people looking for anyone who is working to ask a zillion and one questions I don't have answers for. I will get more done if I stay on my front porch. I know this.

Heading into this hump day with optimism. Let's hope I can maintain it!

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