Sunday, August 20, 2023

It Seems Appropriate as I Work Late on a Saturday Night a Man Smashed Into a Parked Car Outside My Home (at least it wasn't mine)

Yes, I am more of a work-a-holic and perfectionist than I like to admit, and when the work is on a platform I'm unaccustomed to, I get a little more stressed than usual. But I'm making headway, feeling decent about what I've done so far, and just overwhelmed by having to upload every single item only to be labeled, organized, and relevant to people who have to see my accomplishments. It used to be binders and big plastic bins, but now we've moved to electronic filing (which is a 'be careful what you ask for' scenario). There's no easy way to fill out a lifelong application, so I simply have to pace the process.

Oh, but my blood pressure. I measure it every day and it's been way too high and this makes me nervous. It's stress...temporary stress...and I'm ready to be on the other side of it.

Karal and I got a 1.5 hour hike in on a beautiful day. I didn't mow the lawn, but that's okay. It will get done...just as the laundry did. Also made time to talk to mom, Cynde, and Chitunga. I wanted to find a way to chill at night, but nothing presented itself...

...until the crash. My guess is the guy was texting and then SMASH. At lease he was honest and called the police. He went door to door wondering whose car he hit. Karal barked. Too much commotion from 9 p.m. until 10:30 p.m. as they sorted things out. The family returned (and it was an out-of-town guest, Jersey plates, that he hit). 

It's never fun to be in an accident and it is always awful to hear the crash. It startles you. Of course, it also triggers memories of every accident you've ever known.

So, I will climb up this rope some more today, but want to take advantage of a beautiful beach day. It doesn't look like there will be too many more this summer, as the temperatures drop drastically this week - not the 105 temperatures predicted for Chitunga in Des Moines.

But I do hope for sun, chill time, and more importantly some relaxed breathing. My old self would go for long, long runs to calm my nerves, but my middle-aged body resists that. The walks suffice.

This too shall pass. 

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