Thursday, August 24, 2023

I Worked Until 4 and Then Thought, "It's Simply too Gorgeous Not to be Outside." Almost Had the Entire Universe to Myself. So Beautiful

The fact that they're calling for rain encouraged me to take advantage of the non-raid day that was yesterday. It was beautiful and I simply wanted to look at the waves and count the clouds in the sky. There were five the entire time. The breeze was nice and the sun was warm. Who could ask for more; I am thankful to have this so close by. 

I'm going back for more writing today and hoping to make the progress that is coming. Chisel. Chisel. Chisel. Also am invited to Kris & Dave's for the last Isaiah dinner (EEKS, too fast). And I will finish the day with a recording of The Write Time

Sadly, I know I need to replace my Crandall chair on the front porch. I've redone the cushions three times, but now the springs are poking into my gluteus Maximus and deep into my back. I got it for $50 at Pier One and know I need something else. I live on this chair and on my porch. Whatever I get needs to be perfect.

Yesterday morning, cops were snagging drivers who don't stop at the four way stop at the top of Mt. Pleasant and then flying down the road. I had the great fortune of seeing all the faces the people made as they were pulled over and given a ticket because it was in front of my house. Sad to take pleasure in another's misery, but school starts in a few weeks and people drive crazy on this street as they cut from one side of Stratford to the other. Not always the greatest fan of cops, but when they do right, I'm okay with the lights.

Alright...time to get inspired. Back to the keyboard piano I go. 

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