Tuesday, August 1, 2023

"Dr. Crandall, What Are These Metal Things For?" He Asks While Scribbling New English Words Into His @CWPFairfield Notebook.

It wasn't until I finished streaming his hair across the whiteboard that he realized I probably was kidding him and that the clips were not meant for the hair. Still, it was fun while it lasted and, well, now I'm missing my long locks of yesteryear. I'd totally stand at the board all day teaching as Medusa.

This morning, the teachers return: 3 more days of leadership, demonstration, sharing, and writing excellence. I'm looking forward to the work ahead as it is the week where it flips off of me and bounced onto them. So, this is the National Writing Project tradition. Whatcha got?

It's also a tremendous week for reflection, so I will need to get my thinking cap on so we can roll this puppy out (another season - the 10th year of CWP's redesign). I have enough data to write for a life time, I just don't have time to go through it, and end up working in small bits when people invite me onto project. This is the tragedy of NOT being at a research one institution where there's support for such work.

My elderly next door neighbor had heart procedures yesterday so her son brought over a bucket of cucumbers because she can't eat them all. I will have to make cucumber salad as soon as I can.

But these temperatures? YES! Keep us San Diego 24/7, 365 days a year. Nothing better than low 80s and no humidity. I love it.

And just like that, it's August 1st. Dang.

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