Friday, January 6, 2023

The Robin Hood Work That We Do (And Yes, I Need To Explore this Metaphor More)...But for Now It's What I'm Thinking

I'm two weeks into a winter-session research course and I'm expecting my graduate students to accomplish much in a short time. In particular, they need to offer a research proposal: classes are quick, to the point, and necessary. They can do great things, but the instruction is of utmost importance, which brings me to the channeling of Robin Hood (at least what my memory of the character is - Have I ever seen the cartoons or movies?). 

Seriously, though, how do you take from those who have and offer it to those that do not.

I've always claimed intellectual Robin Hood for the work I do, as I benefited from degrees of higher education. At the epicenter of anything I do, though, is for the teachers and young people in K-12 schools who are not always as privy to the intellectual arenas that are quite privileged. So, I play the game of doing bridgework (COMPITAL) and branching arms between the arenas, bringing funds for teachers, young people, writing opportunities and books...oh, so many books.

I need to play more with the Robin Hood metaphor, but I do know I've never been interested in giving the haves more haves. Rather, I want to see those who are in the trenches to have language for data sets to move their classrooms to a better universe for the young people they work with. And I will load them with all the tools I have so they have access to a better life....that is, robbing from the University castle to bring to workers who are getting the work done.

There's the analogy of saying so many are born on 3rd base thinking they hit a triple, and I much prefer working with the people who don't even know there's a ball game being played. 

In addition to the Seahorse, a male creature that births the young, I am also a Robin Hood of sorts, trying to steal from the rich and give to the poor.

Intellectual Robin Hood. 

And with that, I'm starting my day.

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