Sunday, January 22, 2023

It's Too Cold for Nutty Buddies, but I Took Part in a Winter Ice Cream Festival Anyways - Just Because the Opportunity Provided Itself

Saturday was mildly productive. With an eye on the prize I got to work on materials that needed my intention, walked Karal twice, and even had time to make an Indian chicken marsala dish that was spicy and great with Naan bread and rice. I like being able to set my own pace, move across time according to my own agenda, and to feel like the sweat was worth it.

Perhaps this is why I didn't mind indulging in a Nutty Buddy, which was rather gross until the last bite. What's up with that chocolate-greatness that hardens on the bottom of a waffle cone? Upon finishing, you simply want another one.


I'm aiming to have an equally productive day today. Truth be told, the weekend after the first class is a relief. It's a weekend when first assignments aren't arriving yet and you have space to work on other things (which I did). I should point out, though, that I had nine hours of good sleep. I almost don't know who I am this morning...I slept until 9 a.m.!!!

I'm also loving that it hasn't snowed, it's not too bitter to be outside for long walks, and the rain subsided. Bonus. That means more movement of muscle and mind.

Finally, with mom's advice, I've kicked into That 90's Show, although it seems so cheesy compared to the 70's version, which was simply hilarious and brilliant. Not sure if I like it, but the parents remain great characters. They make the show.

Alas, it also puts aging into perspective, as well as adolescence. How quickly it all flies by, he says, cherishing the ice cream treat I had. What I can say? Life is short. I mean just look at the evolution of entertainment from antennae to Apple TV streaming. Blink of an eye (when we only have 100 years to live)

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