Monday, January 9, 2023

I Caught Up with Grading Early, so Ended Up at Lowe's Then Eli's by 2 pm. Helped Oona Put Blinds Up on Her Windows & Walked to the Beach

Oh, Sunday. How you tease us, and how much every day of the week should be as chill as you are? What's that? It's Monday? #@$@#. Here we go again.

I got up early on Sunday and began finishing the last of the grading. I felt bad for the remaining 5 students because they are waiting on my feedback so they can move forward with the work ahead this week. Many of my students are in schools teaching, so having time to do substantial work during the week is nearly impossible. As one of my teachers said, "I gave them a film to watch so I had the day to work at my desk." We expect so much from teachers, especially as they are advancing their degrees. 

Oona, Pam, and I stopped at Lowe's so Oona could get blinds, Pam could get floorboard paint, and I could get insulation tape. On the way back, we also got groceries, and had lunch at Eli's. I don't think I appreciate day-driving much, especially wine. But we had Brussel sprouts, potatoes, Philly-steak egg rolls, and garlic chicken. The restaurant has Happy Hour Sundays for Football games, so we watched Buffalo and the Patriots and killed a bottle of wine (which was also 50% off...or in restaurant translation...the price the bottle in the store). 

I also had time to take Karal and Jake to the beach. For those of you have dogs, you know how they are on leashes, especially during poop-time. Having to pick it up in baggies with two strong dogs on leashes is quite the feat. 

I then went to Oona's and played rent-a-husband, putting up her bedroom blinds which got easier as I figured out the routine of the particular brand she bought. There are some angles, however, that are just a @#$@. 

I came home in the evening to grade the stragglers...the inevitable bunch of students who always turn things in late with really developed excuses. In a two-week course, I'm more lenient. I understand the pace and feel it in my gut how much I'm asking them to do in such a short time. Then again, I'm matching them by putting in just as much time and helping them because it's a lot of work in a very, very short time.

But this morning, it's Monday. Two meetings, a day in the office, two more meetings, and then planning for the last three days of class this week.

My reward? There's a whole new lot of classes beginning next Tuesday.

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