Tuesday, January 3, 2023

On the 3rd Day of January, My Family Gave to Me...All the Gifts I Missed While at Home, Suffering in Flu-Misery. I Am Thankful.

I missed Christmas this year. I slept. I hacked. I coughed. I sneezed. And I lived on the toilet. It was a beautiful week. As much as I thought I'd eventually make it to Syracuse for festivities, it didn't happen. Instead, I sent Chitunga with a carload of gifts. He gave me a power washer and home video monitoring station, and then last night, after traveling through New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, and West Virginia, the CNY/Louisville gifts came my way. To be honest, seeing him and talking for a while is always the greatest gift. The material goods are secondary. He's home safe now in his apartment. He has a busy week and is back to an 80-hour schedule....tax season and auditing upon his field.

I was grading (winter session course) when the packages arrived. I am super happy to finally have a matching cookery set...this is, after living in four states and making do with whatever Salvation Army finds I had....actually, I think some of it came from Erin when I lived with her. I now have matching pots and pans. Nikki added to my Grogu collection, and apparently people think I love my bourbon (this from a guy who was thinking 2023 would be without bourbon...I stand corrected). Cynde sent a t-shirt and bathroom towel about how everyone shits at Christmas, and Dylan brought me a keychain from Germany which I love beyond words for many, many reasons. I am now officially Yeti-ready for margaritas on the beach, as I can join all the others who have Yeti mugs to carry tequila while lying in the sand (yes, we're supposed to say its coffee). Thanks. I will fit in at Walnut Beach better than ever.

As I type this (last night for this morning), Karal is lying on my leg. It's her new thing to fall asleep on my lap at 10 p.m. as I work long past the day hours. I'm amazed she finds the right location and can snore as she does...it's comforting. 

I am feeling the love. I am appreciating the kindness. Yes, I wish I was in Syracuse for family time, but I got all the updates from Chitunga and see exactly why Pam says, "a Chitunga smile or laugh erases all the negativity in the universe. It's that special." 

I know that these gifts traveled to central New York and Kentucky, too. I'm thankful he represented while I slept and recovered. I'm hopeful for Christmas 2023. Actually, I'm hoping the entire year is better.

And if you want to sip bourbon or play with Grogu, you know where to go. Mt. Pleasant has what you need.

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