Sunday, December 24, 2023

The Merry Gnomes of Central New York - A Flake Like Mike Tradition (But This Year for Cynderballz, The Narrator of the Story)

For over a decade, we've celebrated the holidays on Pine Grove with the book A Flake Like Mike. It was a one-year publication featured by Macy's that I caught at the end of the Thanksgiving Parade. I ordered it immediately, and "there's no flake quite like Mike," has been a mantra. We've read it every year: with puppets, surprise guests, new stupidity, and always the humor of my sister's husband, Mike. In fact, my mom and I were discussing that Sean and Jake have not had a Christmas, really, without a reading of the story...There was the Covid Christmas, of course, but a tale was woven in for the absence. 

Yesterday, we almost bypassed the tradition, holding the story for the very end of the festivities, knowing that we all pitched in to get Cynde tickets to see Pink...the only thing any of us can name that Cynde has ever wanted. She'll be a the Dome next October and a week after Adamo and Nikki marry, Cynde and Mike will be front and center. 

We sported pink bandanas and Santa-bulbed beards for the reading, following an 3 (maybe four) hour romp opening presents. As the elf-passer-outer, I didn't think the event was ever going to end because, well, we're a bit excessive. I guess that's not so bad, as it brings laughter and stupidity in the universe.

And in the tradition I have to admit, it's rather impish to see over a decade of these photos....every year dressing up these fools in different attire and each time they go along with my moronic tendencies. I texted Jacob Charles last night that it's up to him and Sean to keep such foolishness going once I'm gone.

Then Cynde sent me a photo of the dogs sound asleep in the middle of the chaos. How they did this is beyond me, because it was obnoxiously crazy from 3 pm to 9 pm. It's a dog's world - that's for sure. 

Today, thought, it's creamed potatoes, green beans, carrots, and beef brisket for an afternoon of visits to Butch and Sue's. We did our holiday a day earlier than usual because Nikki and Sean have to work, and then Nikki & Adamo depart for Poughkeepsie to see his parents.

And I'm feeling rather fortunate that the remake of POW! arrived to the girls who were mistakenly left out of the first print...I felt horrible when I learned their pieces weren't included. They arrived yesterday, however, just in time to be put under the Christmas tree from Santa. 

Okay, time for another day of food. 

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