Saturday, June 24, 2023

Throw Back to Claim to Fame, Hands Down the Best Party Game (According to Amalfi Drive and My Little Sister). Well, ....

When Casey was a gimp in a wheelchair, and she was stored in my parents basement....that's not true....we never had a basement...she occupied downstairs...we were sort of stuck at home to locations we could wheel her. That typically was the garage, where we'd play drinking games, board games, and pass summer nights in laughter and being foolish. 

Claim to Fame was the game, though. It combined Scattegories, Pictionary, Charades, & Taboo, and we had a great time challenging one another on teams (I guess it must have been 1992 or 1993). Phew. Can that possibility be 30 years ago? Yep. 

I must have talked the game up so much, that Pam decided to find it online and last night we gave it a couple of rounds. Yup. Still the best game. I can't wait to get Leo & Bev, plus others to have a great night. It's just an entertaining trip. 

That was my Friday night. The weather called for a 3-day washout, but so far we've only had a few passing showers (this morning, though, has been a downpour). The humidity is on its way up and the grounds are getting a soaking. I'm not sure what today will be, but I'm riding into it slow because I simply want to rest where I can (just a BBQ at my house for teachers this evening and a concert tomorrow). Slow and steady wins the trace. 

But, for now, I'm on my computer, which is a good thing.  I need to get work done (but truth be told, I want to go back to bed for a few hours...the exhaustion has caught up). 

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