Friday, June 16, 2023

This Post is for Cynderballz, Who Once Lucked Out on a Walk and, Magically, Twenty Dollar Bills Starting Blowing Her Way. Well, I Had My Day, Too

I was walking in the rain. Actually, it was sprinkling, the downpour came afterwards. I came up to an intersection and noticed construction work ahead. I looked to my left and I thought there was a bird flopping in the street. Looking closer, I figured it was a dollar bill and when I nabbed it for my pocked I realized it was a $100. I looked around and no one seemed to notice it was just fluttering in the wind, so I stuffed in my pocket and walked an additional 3 miles. 

Of course, it started to pour, but that is okay, because I had an umbrella. Karal and I both stayed as dry as we could. 

When I got home, the first thing I did was photograph the Benjamin with a text to Pam saying, "Y'know how you always want to win money on those scratch off tickets you always lose on? Well, tomorrow dinner is on me. Look what I found." 

She wrote back and asked, "Are we doing origami lessons?"

I had to look again. This bill felt authentic, looked authentic, and I was pretty sure I pulled a Cynde (well, even a Casey). I happened upon cash. I was super excited and feeling blessed. 

"Oh. The United States of origami. I was duped."

"Someone probably was filming you and they're laughing their ass off right now."

Probably. I am used to being laughed at. 

Yesterday, though, I returned for the same walk and brought the $100 for another fool. It wasn't mine, anyway, and even if I did fantasize by cashing it in a high school bake sale asking, "I'll need change," I chose not to. Let the joke be paid forward.

Someone out there has a very effective printer with amazing capabilities. The texture was exactly the same, too.

I tried to be greedy and selfish with my find, and instantly went to share it with a friend...

...who is still laughing at me and now saying I owe her a real $100 for my foolishness.

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