Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Been a Minute Since Attending a Graduation as an Audience Member, and Loved It was for the Wooley-Sealy-Johnson Duo, Isaiah & Val

It turned into a gorgeous night and I could walk to the stadium where Stratford holds its commencement ceremony. The kids and their graduating class looked so small on the football field, but the incredible diversity, joyous accomplishments, and family-felt love was ever-present throughout. Kris often says, "Stratford is a special town," and it is true. I love driving to see all the graduating seniors mug shots hanging from lamp posts. They do a great job with K-12 youth and (cough cough) I want to be involved more with the district.

I told Kris & Dave when they move, I need them to make giant heads of themselves as parting gifts so I can hang then in my house and talk to them over dinner once or twice a week. I'm so used to fusing the Mt. Pleasant/Nichols Avenue homes, so it doesn't seem right that the foundation is slowly fading away. 

I have one more year. I have one more year. And I wish Chitunga, Abu, Lossine, Kanyea, Ali, and Edem were here for this....they've experienced the development through their own education, CWP, and Stratford  traditions. 

It was also a pretty walk to the football field for the ceremony. During the Covid homestay, this route was one of many I'd take each day with Karal. It was a hot walk in the sun, but when it moved behind a cloud it was rather chilly. 

I'm loving the picture of Val and Isaiah above because that is Justin in the background who was my student at Fairfield University, worked for me through CWP, and is now earning his doctorate in philosophy down in Memphis. It runs in their family. 

And I know both Kris & Jen are emotional messes...probably Dave, those toddlers are now entering adulthood for real. The journey has been long, challenging at times, and an enormous task to juggle. I'm looking forward to the barbecue on Saturday. Nothing better than graduation party food. 

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