Friday, March 3, 2023

It Was a 14-Hour Day That I Know Is Impossible to Capture in Words, But I'll Try...and I Applaud My Colleagues, Alyson Martin & Emily Shamash, for Their Awesome Work

Seriously. I was out in schools for National Read Across American Day by 9 a.m., and after running back-to-back 4th, 5th, and 6th grade classrooms. It was a joy. Why? Principal Nicole Brown runs a magical show at the school. Remember how announcements were made by the secretary of Grease? Let's just say Ms. Brown brings this to a whole new level with a xylophone, guest speakers, and homeroom call-in shows. I was mesmerized. 

This turned into spending time time with Brianna Martone and Attallah Sheppard at Amistad High School, where I was able to deliver (finally) copies of POW! for their student writers. 

From there, I had the honor and privilege (and I emphasize it was an honor and privilege) of joining Drs. Alyson Martin and Emily Shamash with their phenomenal work with the TOPS program assisting young people from high school to the real world. Tonight, we went to the Fairfield Stags Women's Basketball game. It was a blast, and then some. I was so impressed by the social justice commitment of the girl players and their dedication to equity, diversity, and inclusivity. The entire evening moved me.

Then, I went back to my office to record April's episode of The Write Time with Nikki Grimes and Barrett Rosser. Holy cow. I am speechless. The graciousness of both, and the interview, was stupendous and I can't wait to get the show in the hands of classroom teachers and their students. Barrett Rosser is someone to keep an eye out for and Nikki Grimes is simply amazing on all levels. ALL LEVELS.

Okay, Friday. You need to unwind a bit with a haircut, meetings, and gathering your thoughts. Yesterday was an amazing day, and you need to count your blessings to do the work that you do. 

It is something else. 

Too often the good stories, the hard work and beautiful efforts made by Fairfield University faculty and staff get overshadowed by other directions. Yesterday, however, reminded me that there is amazing work occurring by wonderful people. That's where I get my fuel. 

Nice job. Stags. The Women's Basketball team rocks! So do Alyson and Emily!

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