Thursday, February 9, 2023

When All Else Fails, Dive Into the Joy and Rejuvenation of What Matters Most. Beautiful Teachers, Wonderful Youth, and the Possibilities of Human Togetherness

I know teachers are hurting. I know youth are, too. I'm attesting that scholars in higher education are feeling the same way. We are all Covid-Creations, and I'd write post-Covid, but we're not quite there. Yesterday, teacher William King explained to a crew of 20 pre-service teachers that the mission he has is to teach young people to be Citizens of the World, up and beyond governmental and institutional bureaucracies. They need to learn the importance of reading the word and the world (yep, Freire). For English Learners with multiple linguistic capital, he explained how being a teacher of immigrant and refugee youth helped him to be a scholar of the be invited in its richness and complexities, the challenges and the joy. 

We didn't know if we'd be able to combine Fairfield University students with EAL classrooms, but at the final second, all fell into place and so much rejuvenation occurred: for teachers, for young people, for soon-to-be educators, and for this guy...who has lost purpose and meaning as a result of egos, hubris, resistance, and institutions. It only took 15 minutes before the restoration began. The joy of learning, the importance of democracy, the importance of mentorship, and the power of literacy. 

A few towns over, the same became true for another 20 young people visiting a K-8 school who also struggles with funding, shortages, curricular gestapo, and frustration. There is a way towards beauty. Our systems work tirelessly to stop it from happening, but when it finds its way, magic occurs. 

I didn't realize how much I needed a fix of young people working with college students, scholars working with educators, until it occurred yesterday as a result of two community-engaged courses. 

Too many in positions of power like to squawk words and name terminology, but they stand in the way of putting such language into action. I was reminded yesterday, that scholarship in action is mentoring, demonstrating, guiding, and addressing at its core. And it's not easy, because the fight is real.

Brilliance and wonder are both possible. We simply need to fight all those that stand in our way. 

Yes, mom. You were part of this, too. Now go get yourself a piece of chocolate. 

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