Thursday, February 16, 2023

And On His 51st Year of Life (How Has It Been Another Year Already) He Simply Finds Solace in the Fact It Really is a Box of Chocolates

These arrived on Sunday as a sent gift from my mom from Hercules Candies in East Syracuse, New York. I heard about them from a friend in Kentucky who said she saw a show they produced on one of the streaming video services. For Valentine's Day, I sent a box to my mom, and soon after, saw a video about Orca whales. The skinny was how the mama whale does all she can to feed her male baby as much food as she can so he's the biggest whale in the sea. I guess my mom, who also saw the video, thought it was smart to fatten me up, too. They look delicious and I can't wait to share with others. Items like this can't be in my house. I am my mother's son. 

Today, I return to scoring high school portfolios then to put out fires from my University office. Although I have grading to do, I also accepted an invitation to have a Wooley-cooked meal, and really I just want the company. The food is always great, but I think it's important to take a step away for a meal, too, especially on one's day of birth.

This day also belongs to Mama it is his birthday, too. She's the one who pushed a manic, crazy, hyperactive, over-ambitious lover of words from her body. But she already got her chocolate and if history of the last few years repeat itself, Papa Orca probably ate them all which would throw Mama Orca into a Tizzy. I'll have to ask Sister Orcas if this is true. 

I need treadmills, not chocolate, but aging is about finding a way to enjoy both. I know if I eat one, I won't stop, so they are still sitting in a box.

Now, I'm simply looking at the life clock hoping the next 14 years until retirement go with less stress than the past few years have been. I love the work I do and am very fortunate to do it as I do. I don't know, however, if such leadership is sustainable and I need to pay attention to the crossroads and follow the intersections that reveal themselves to me. If I can continue the work I love - then joy will follow. But if that work continues to face obstacle after obstacle, I will have to make decisions for my mental, physical, and personal well-being. 

In the meantime, I will enjoy my day reading as many high school portfolios as I can and dousing myself in the joys of awesome teachers and the hard work of their students.

51 years, huh? How'd that happen!?! Birthday Happy to Me.

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