Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Before a Winter Storm, Why Not Cook Tiki Masalas Samosas with Chutney? I Mean, It Seems Welcoming, Right? Right?!

After putting a long day in at the office, and knowing I was recording another episode of The Write Time, I decided to try my hand at Samosas with Chutney, and the worked perfectly in the soup and cracker bowls my mother purchased for me a few Christmases ago. They were delicious...so much so that I wish I had company over for dinner. 

During the recording, I received a text message from the University that the campus is closed tomorrow because of the storm, which is a good thing, because it frees me to plow, keep the home in shape, and to grade. Besides, I went to Big Y in the a.m. yesterday with all the 90 year olds prepping for armageddon, so I have groceries to last me throughout it all. Yes, it will be 50 degrees by Thursday, but finally we're getting a taste of winter in southern Connecticut.

I love a good dinner, especially when it isn't common fanfare for a Monday meal.

I also am hopping on Ish's soon-to-be invention project of a pencil wrapped in eraser material so you can always rub out mistakes. I told him I want to be wrapped in erasers, too, so that I can rub out the mistakes I make, as well as fellow humankind. 

If only it was that easy. 

I could be Eraser Man and eradicate the universe from human stupidity, especially that which exists pervasively in the United States. I am sure I'd have full-time obligations (and I'd hope that it comes with good insurance benefits and retirement). 

It's always a bonus to get a snow day, and I worried some that ZOOM culture would deny young people and educators from a surprise day off. Yes, I can host an evening class via online technologies, but I don't want to be that person who takes away the joyful tradition of getting a few extra hours of relief. So, whatever it is we were going to accomplish tonight can wait a week. 

I'm okay with that. I hope they'll be, too.

In like a Lion, March. I see you. 

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