Saturday, April 8, 2023

On the 7th Day of #VerseLove, My Colleagues Gave to Me...A Reminder to Keep an Eye on the Entire Journey...the Exploration of the End

On Thursday night I spent hours talking with a friend who recently lost her daughter-in-law in a tragic accident. 21 year old kid, drunk, killed a woman. Fortunately, her two small children were not in the car. There's no way to bring comfort to all who are hurting, but I used the VerseLove prompt to process our conversation and to, perhaps, find a way to gift a poem to help her heal. Prayers up. All of us invested in this hope.


(for Shirls)


sometimes ears

defend the mouth,

heeding the cries of

a screaming child - 

sister holding a hand 

as photographs bloom

above a casket.



papers tell the story

in paragraphs -

21-year old buck

boozing with buddies

behind a wheel.

mother of two

needed a few things

down the road.

She was only a few miles away.

Sometimes ears

overpower humor,

a wit to make 

others laugh.

He’s not doing well.

He doesn’t want to live,

She was everything to him,

Purpose. Meaning. 

Ways to forget his past.

All I can see is his face in the hospital,

the first time his dad tried.

Their eyes locked and I worried,

like father, like son

Sometimes ears

don’t understand the music,

when listening to the screams

of a father, a son,


down the hall,

when all she needs 

is to cry,


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