Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Science Fiction/Fantasy Night in YA Literature, & Really I Debated Simply Taking the Class to the New Hunger Game Movie But My Wallet Said "No!"

Actually, I had to look up whether or not movie theaters still existed. I suppose this is a remnant of the post-Covid world, but I really didn't know. Tunga took my phone chargers with him back to Iowa so I had to run to Targets to get a new one, and I can't help but let my imagination run wild with armageddon and what would happen if suddenly all our normal: chord, gadgets, accessibility to fruits in the winter, suddenly disappeared. What would we be without the Internet? I'm not sure.

I watched people doing the frantic holiday scramble as I found my chord and couldn't help but think, "This may be normal now, but might be highly improbably in the future." This, coming from the fact that many of my go-to stores have closed down in recent years and I'm trying hard not to let Amazon consume my consumerism. Seems that might be the only way we'll be able to go in the future. The mega-producers monopolizing all goods and exploiting labor to see it all delivered. 

Tunga took off to Iowa, Papa Butch has pneumonia and will remain in the hospital, and my ears, nose, and throat are plugged with good. I want a release, but this isn't The Giver and I don't have a choice. Soup it shall be.

So, instead of going to the movies, students are bringing forward their independent fantasy, science fiction reads and we'll have a go at the 2nd-to-last class for the semester. They've been good sports - reading a book a week for 15 weeks (we read Jason Reynold's Ain't Burned All the Bright as part of the first class). 

I also spent most of yesterday getting ready for the winter-session research class. As I put together the timeline, I resented myself for being the instructor of record for the course - it's too much, but in order to finish this May, it's a course our current students need.

Here's to Tuesday and piles and piles of tissues. Rest, Crandall. Rest. That's what you need most. 

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