Friday, May 5, 2023

Is It Considered Emotional Eating When Cram-Grading at the End of 2nd Semester After the Most Turbulent Academic Year of One's Life? Asking for a Friend.

I am recalling vividly that Matt de la Peña said in a video sent for my birthday, "Old man, hold back on the red meats. They are not your friend." 

But they are, especially when a burger calls your name from Sitting Duck down the street and Chitunga left you a gift card. My morning started at 7 a.m. on ZOOM and ended at 8 p.m. on ZOOM. I only had time for three graduate projects, which I graded in-between other work, and I'm feeling nervous I won't finish them all in time. The thought of cooking made me more frantic, so I simply caved in and ordered take-out. 

I know it's bad, but if this academic thing becomes too much (Trust me, it's too much), maybe I can become a food photographer. This looks so good I want to eat it all over again. 

Now, if I would just grill on Sundays, more chicken, and then do a layout for salads and vegetables, when the hunger pangs arrive, I wouldn't have to panic in end-of-the-semester blues. I want something quick, easy, delicious, and mildly satisfying to make me feel good inside, because the hectic work is stressful and cumbersome.

Well, a paper was submitted (already accepted....hoping they enjoy). There were three projects graded. I did do PD work with several teachers and their students in a new district, Karal was walked, and I attended a new grant meeting, so the day wasn't a total flop.

But it's that burger that winds the day. 

And someone please tell the pollen to hurry up and go away. In CT, the dry drip from my nose to my throat causes a dry cough that drives me bonkers. I'm ready for it to go away. There's not enough water to soften in all up.

TGIF. I'll be grading.

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